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I'm Aly Kirkpatrick.

I'm a wife, business owner, and photographer fueled by Dr. Pepper and anything sweet! I am married to my high school sweetheart, and love living in the Arizona desert!

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Will & Bethany’s Lawrence, Kansas Wedding

June 24, 2017

couples, weddings

There’s something about love that just gets me! Marriage to me is such an incredible gift, and Will & Bethany’s wedding had my eyes welling up with tears multiple times throughout the day! From the venue to the sweet moments they incorporated, it was so gorgeous. I love how Bethany kept a journal over the past 10 years of letters she wrote to her future husband, and gifted Will the final letter on their wedding day. It was one of the sweetest moments like ever! And the way he teared up when he saw her for the first time was beautiful! As they begin their new adventure in Phoenix, I am excited to see all that God does through them and their marriage! Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Shafer!!

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